
Maine Armory Rentals

Call: 1-207-430-2105

Armory Rental logo with flag and Augusta armory representation

The Maine Army National Guard is committed to the accommodation of public and private use of its armories to the maximum extent possible. Such use supports building and maintaining strong ties within the local community, and provides a vital source of funds to help defray the operation and maintenance expenses of these state-owned facilities.

 Armory Rental Application & Information

Maine Armory Rental Application [PDF]

Marquee Set Up Marquee Set-Up [PDF]

Mailing Address

Armory Rentals
DFE, Building #7
32 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0033

Contact Info
Local: (207) 430-2105
Mobile: (207) 561-0969
Fax: (207) 626-4553

Rental Navigation


State Agency Rental Info

To better assist State Agencies in their selection when renting meeting space, the Maine Armory Rental Program has provided the following information.

Rental Locations & Info

Clicking on any of the links below will launch an information sheet in Portable Document Format (PDF) about the armory's rental space. If you do not have a PDF viewer on your computer, you may download a free PDF viewer such as Adobe Acrobat Reader.